After a damaging storm wrecks your roof, it’s time to dust off the homeowner’s insurance policy. Learn about how to get a new roof from insurance in our blog!
An opening in your roof isn’t just a hole—it’s an opening to uncertainty. A storm has just pierced straight through your roof, directly into your heart. We understand the anxiety that comes after a storm and the anxiety that comes with managing the costs to get things back to normal. An important question you’re probably asking is, “How do I get insurance to pay for roof replacement?”
Thankfully, many insurance policies cover at least a portion of the cost to repair or replace your roof. It might be a challenging journey from start to finish, but having folks with experience in your corner can make it less of a worry. Let’s talk about how to get a new roof from insurance—how the process works, what to expect along the way, and how to make your insurance work for you.
After a damaging storm passes through, it’s time to dust off the homeowner’s insurance policy that might’ve gotten lost in all the excitement of buying your first home. If you don’t have a copy of the policy on hand, don’t worry.
You can call your local insurance agent or the company directly to have them send you a copy of the policy. You want to know your roofing insurance coverage, limits, and deductibles. This information should be on the Declarations page at the beginning of the document.
Most homeowner’s insurance policies include coverage for roof damages, though the amount and what they pay for might differ. Homeowners insurance roof replacement policies will either cover the Replacement Cost Value or the Actual Cash Value.
A Replacement Cost Value policy is straightforward—it covers the cost to repair or replace your roof minus your deductible. An Actual Cash Value policy is typically less expensive and will cover the value of your roof, accounting for depreciation. Insurers calculate the value of your roof based on factors like age and location and will pay you based on that amount.
As an example of the difference, let’s say it costs $100 to fix your 20-year-old roof, and you have a 2% deductible. A Replacement Cost policy will cover $98, and you’ll pay your $2 deductible. An Actual Cash Value policy might say the roof's value is 40%, or $40, in our example. They’ll pay $38, and you’ll pay your $2 deductible plus the remaining $60 it costs to actually repair the roof.
Understanding how your insurance company will pay to repair the damages is only half the story. We also need to figure out what is covered by the policy. All of us in North Texas want to know if it covers hail and tornadoes.
Thankfully, most policies provide coverage for the hail storms we get here. It’s important to note that they only offer coverage for damage, not cosmetics. Don’t worry; that hail mark is part of what makes your house a home.
Most policies also cover straight-line wind damage, a typical result of tornadoes. Tornado season runs from March through June here, so make it a New Year’s Resolution to confirm your roof insurance coverage.
They will also cover damage from trees blown over by the wind or storm. However, insurance companies will look to make sure that tree limbs were not hanging dangerously over the roof before the storm, so make sure to trim those limbs. Don’t let a claim get denied because an adjuster decided to look at the Google Earth image for your home.
Insurance policies do not cover neglect, so keep up to date with maintenance on your roof. Sometimes, that might make the difference between repairing or replacing the roof. Additionally, mold, earthquakes, and floods are all standard exceptions to policies, so make sure you know what you have coverage for if any of these are a concern.
Armed with this information, you can start a claim with your homeowner’s insurance company. They have 15 days to let you know they’ve received your claim, so make sure you’re on the lookout for a response.
After you initiate the claim, your insurance company will likely ask you to provide supporting documentation. The best way to do this is with photos and videos documenting the extent of the damage. At this step, there are two significant considerations: staying safe and leaving no room for doubt.
While you may need to get up to the roof to document the damage properly, don’t go up there if you have any reason to doubt its safety. Safety concerns are why having a trusted roofing partner early in the process can make a huge difference. They have the skills and experience to get up there and fully document the claim. They know what the adjuster is looking for and what they will likely miss.
For damage you can document yourself, ensure your camera puts a timestamp on the photos and videos. Timestamps are a standard setting on most smartphones but double-check. Having undeniable proof the damage occurred when you claimed will prevent the adjuster from doubting whether your documentation was at your house on the day you claim. You should also make sure to get at least one picture or video that shows your house number so there’s absolutely no way for an adjuster to doubt the claims.
It’s a good idea to break out the tape measure to show the full extent of the damage for any holes, leaky spots, or damaged shingles. Also, get multiple angles and use videos to document the damage entirely. That might mean taking a video of the base of a tree, showing how the storm uprooted it, following up the trunk, and showing how it hit your roof. In addition to the visual evidence, get newspaper reports proving that a severe storm passed through your area.
Let’s review the process of getting insurance to cover roof repairs so far:
After the insurance company receives your documentation providing proof of the damage, they will likely send an adjuster to verify the damage and decide whether or not to cover your claim. It’s crucial that you’re at home when the adjuster arrives, as they may ask you about the damage and if you took any steps between filing the claim and their visit to prevent further damage. The adjuster will inspect the damage against your provided documentation to verify everything.
It’s worth mentioning that the adjuster is not a roofing expert. That means they may miss damage and pay out your claim for less than the cost to repair. The adjuster’s visit is another instance where having a reliable roofing contractor in your corner can make the difference. They can direct the adjuster to all the damage to the roof, not just what you and the adjuster could see.
The insurance company’s claims adjuster is ultimately the decision maker in your claim. Leaving as little room for doubt as possible during their inspection can make the difference between resting under a brand-new roof and sweating through the process.
The insurance company has 15 days after the adjuster’s inspection to approve or deny your claim. If they approve your claim, they must send out a check within five business days. For those of us with a mortgage, they may send that payment to your mortgage lender, who then has ten days to get the check over to you.
Once they approve the claim, the insurance company gives you the right to choose your contractor. They may have companies they recommend, but you can shop for your preferred roofing expert. You may want to consider multiple estimates, but remember that insurance will cover the costs, so trust is a more important factor than cost.
Once you lock in a contractor and have your estimate in place, your insurance company will send out a payment. If you have a Replacement Cost Value policy, you may find that the check doesn’t cover the total cost of the repairs. The insurance company isn’t trying to scam you here; they want to ensure the work gets done. The first check is to initiate the work. They’ll hold back the remainder until the contractor finishes the job. At this point, they will send the rest, which will be less than your deductible.
Getting through this process can be taxing. There’s uncertainty throughout. Having a qualified contractor in your corner can make it a more manageable, predictable experience. So, how do you know where to look or when you’ve found one?
If the storm that damaged your roof made regional or national headlines, that can make it easier to get evidence to support your claim. Unfortunately, this can be a double-edged sword. After a severe storm, companies looking to profit from your disaster swarm like vultures to your neighborhood looking to make a quick buck off your confusion.
Identifying the storm chasers isn’t always easy, but there are some surefire ways to spot a scammer. Avoid any company offering to waive your deductible. We know paying the deductible is, next to roof damage, one of the least pleasant parts of the process. However, it’s insurance fraud to offer to waive the deductible, even if all you were looking for was a great deal.
Here’s how the fraud works: The fraudster tells the company that the estimate is the real cost plus your deductible. That way, the insurance company sends a check for the total cost of repair, knowing you will kick in your deductible. The insurance company may ask you to provide documentation that you paid your deductible to the contractor, so don’t get caught up in this kind of scam.
Out-of-state storm chasers aren’t worried about reputation. They don’t care if they have an entire community of complaining customers—they’re going where the wind takes them, literally. They’re not interested in making sure the roof lasts for decades; they just want to get the work done as quickly and cheaply as possible so they can get to the next town in turmoil. They don’t know the ins and outs of state and local building codes in North Texas and don’t care to. So, where do you find the good guys?
A qualified contractor should have a well-maintained website and a good presence across the internet. They should also have verified and verifiable reviews from locals that let you know you are working with someone trustworthy. They need their own insurance and shouldn’t try to make you pay upfront. Importantly, they should be experts in the process of getting a new roof through insurance.
But the best roofing repair partners are your neighbors, like us. At Parish Roofing, we’re North Texas from the roof to the foundation. When a severe hail storm or tornado hits, it hits us, too. We know the chaos and confusion that follows and provide the expertise and care to put your mind at ease.
We can work with you every step of the way to ensure the insurance company treats you and your family fairly. You might not know what your roof will look like 10 or 20 years down the line, nor does the adjuster, but we do. That’s why we put in the care and effort to make sure your roof is in the best position to keep your family secure through whatever weather gets thrown our way. Trust our expertise in roofing insurance to walk you from uncertainty to security.
When you need your roof repaired, Parish Roofing Solutions is the company to call! That’s because we know that roof repair is more than just construction – it’s about protecting your home and family from the harsh power of the elements. And according to our amazing clients, we’re the best roofing company around.
Parish Roofing Solutions provides the highest-quality roofing to North Texas families and businesses, protecting their most precious investment in a sustainable, permanent way.